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Top Ten Technological Advancements of all time. - Printable Version

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Top Ten Technological Advancements of all time. - Simon D - 21-02-2017

Originally posted over on the Orbitsound blog.

Our Top 10 Technological Advancements Of All Time
As we're sure you can agree, the last four decades have seen unprecedented technological progress, not least in consumer electronics. Here at Orbitsound, we pick our Top 10 favourite kit that went beyond good to achieve landmark greatness in our opinion. Remember these?
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"iPod (1st Gen 2001) was the beginning of a revolution. The idea of having over a thousand songs in your pocket was unbelievable. I no longer had to listen to the same ten songs over and over again!"
Mariam Shahid - Head of PR
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"I’ve picked CD for so many reasons. CDs meant introducing digital in an accessible random access format. It also meant that music is the same every time you hear it and the format doesn’t lose quality over time."
John Plimmer - Key Shareholder
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"Before the advent of Sky+, we used to use VHS or DVD recorders, which are now confined to distant memory! Sky+ completely changed the way that we consume TV in a time when we didn’t even dream that internet streaming could be a thing."
Alex Gillon - Online Manager
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"I listen to vinyl all the time. Pressing vinyl is a true form of analogue audio as it reads the physical bumps on the vinyl whereas the CD was all magnets and lasers!"
Barnaby Ward - Industrial Designer
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"Remote controls are something that’s made a huge difference to my life. Many of the youth today doesn’t remember the time before remote controls, when you had to walk to the radio or record player to turn it up or down. How could we live without remote controls!"
Ted Fletcher - President
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"I think Dyson not only broke new ground in the category, but James Dyson gave belief to new budding inventors to keep persisting."
Richard Williams - Managing Director (Operations)
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"I can’t imagine life without my smartphone, mainly because everything you need is at your fingertips - camera, streaming, music, communication on so many different applications. Smartphones have changed the way we live our lives in today’s fast moving world."
Naz Akhtar - Legal and Operations Manager
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"During my life, I have watched the humble LED transform the world. In the early days of making audio equipment, we used a blue LED, which was highly extravagant in the early 90s, costing over £10 each. Now we buy LED displays with many millions of LEDs that display amazing colours from a thin panel in phones, TVs and computer screens. The LED lights our world with low energy lighting, and has enabled ultra-high speed communications in the field of fibre optics."
Daniel Fletcher - Managing Director (Strategy)
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"Digital cameras enable us to snap as many photos as possible and not worry about the cost of developing nor wasting film. What would we do without them!"
Harry Urquhart-Hay - Marketing Manager
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"Moving coil loudspeaker – they are ubiquitous. We use them in all our soundbars, they are commonly used in laptops, phones, headphones, live sound, recording studios and many more. There really isn’t an effective alternative. They are the most common means to playback recorded music!
Matthew Vowels - Tonmeister